Corporal Shachar Berrin on “The New Arab Debates”“What makes a country good isn’t whether it is happy or not, it’s the ethics and morality of the country. When soldiers are conditioned and persuaded on a daily basis to subjugate and humiliate people and consider other human beings as less than human, I think that seeps in, and I think that when the soldiers go home … they bring that back with them.”As soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories and experienced this reality of military control over a civilian population, we know that when soldiers try to share what they have done in the Territories - our society refuses to listen to them. Rather than trying to grasp the meaning of carrying out such tasks, Israeli society silences the soldiers who act in its name.During the recording of Deutsche Welle's “The New Arab Debates,” Corporal Shachar Berrin, an immigrant from Australia and a religiously observant lone soldier, was in the audience. He stood up to address the panel, as seen in the video below. Following this incident, Berrin was court marshalled and sentenced to a week in military prison.Read the full story here at>>
Posted by Breaking the Silence on Monday, May 25, 2015
“What makes a country good isn’t whether it is happy or not, it’s the ethics and morality of the country. When soldiers are conditioned and persuaded on a dailybasis to subjugate and humiliate people and consider other human beings as less than human, I think that seeps in, and I think that when the soldiers go home … they bring that back with them.”
Rather than trying to grasp the meaning of carrying out such tasks, Israeli society silences the soldiers who act in its name.
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