Since the British invasion of Palestine in 1917 after the Saudis betrayed the Ottomans and agreed to ally with the English in their fight against the Ottomans in return of gaining what so called the Arab Independence by Sherif Hussein bin Ali. The Arabs revolted against the Ottomans and driven them out of the Arab lands in favor to the English during World War 1.
This war lead to the end of the Ottoman Empire era and the ottoman forces being pulled out of the Arab countries and the Balkan region after the defeat of the allies forces in the famous war of Çanakale or the Gallipoli Campaign.
After the Arabs succeeded in fighting the English's proxy war against the Turks. the English have betrayed their word and instead of giving the Arabs their independence they have announced Sykes–Picot Agreement which divides the middle east in to many colonies between France, UK and Russia.
The British didn't have any good intentions toward the Arabs and instead they have had a debt to pay to a a Zionist Jewish scientist known as Chaim Weizmann who was an active Zionist have helped the English during the world war with a gun powder invention that helped them in World war 1 and in return he wanted the English to give Palestine as a land to the Jewish people who have been suffering in Europe.
After the English invasion of Palestine in 1916-1918 they started importing Jews from all over Europe, Jews at that time were suffering from racism in eastern and western Europe and Russia, They were very good at fighting and well trained for battles. Once they landed in Palestine they were provided with arms and protected by the English army although they lived peacefully at the beginning of times when they were small in number and didn't show intentions of taking Palestine and turn it into their own state...
After the Jews's number increased in Palestine they started getting more and more aggressive, They started stealing more land and killing more Palestinians until Arabs tried to help the Palestinians to fight the Jewish invasion from Europe with the help of the British. the British tried to also protect the Palestinians but then they were targeted as well by some Jewish terrorist groups like the Hagana, Irgun and many other terrorist organizations. One of the most known of those incidents were the bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem and kidnapping of British soldiers incident called The Sergeants Affair which was carried out by a very well known character called Menachem Begin which then became the most wanted man by The English government for kidnapping, torturing and killing English soldiers.
in 1948 the Jews were capable of kicking the English army out of Palestine and were able to steal most of its land and creating a new country called "Israel"... in which later the Jews has massacred tens of thousands (Click Here for info) of Palestinians Christians and Muslims alike forcing over 700 thousand of them to flee for their lives in the near countries of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon which now is making the largest number of refugees in the world.
Since 1948 and onward Israelis (Zionist Jews) have been cleansing the land, killing people, stealing their land until it settled up to the current Israel except that West bank and Gaza was not occupied.
Arabs tried to help the Palestinians but they were still very basic countries that didn't have the weapon knowledge and experience that the Jews have had from Europe during the world war one and two.... so they lost most of the wars they have had with what then became Israel...
The interesting thing is that the UK have gazed the eyes on the killer who kidnapped, tortured and killed two of their soldiers after becoming a prime minister.. Menachem Begin! so what happened? what kind of influence is that which twisted a great empire like the UK into hiding their wanted post without shame or honor to their soldiers?
From that day on there were conflicts between Palestinians, Arabs and Israel until the 6 days war which is usually told by the Israelis and the Zionist supporters in the west that Arab started this war however I'll leave the answer to the famous politician Alan Hart right here (1967 six days war).
Since 1967 Israel have occupied Golan heights in Syria, Sinai in Egypt... There were a lot of question raised about the war, who started it and why there were no questions asked or if there was questions asked .. why there were no attention brought to what happened to the USS liberty intelligence gathering ship that was intentionally attacked by Israel which was there to help and support the Israelis in their war?
Aljazeera have did a good job on investigating this with one hour documentary that you can check here (Attack on USS Liberty by Israel) if you're interested in it.
The Israelis after this war wanted to scare the Arabs and secure their land as well as planning to ethnically cleanse or kill the rest of the Palestinians inside Israel and West bank and Gaza.
The 6 days war have created a gap in West bank and Gaza which was then placed by the Israeli occupation which was taken as an advantage to bring more Jews and start building the Jewish settlements which at that time was not a known issue to the international community.
All the land theft, humiliation and oppression of Palestinians left no option to the Palestinians but to fight back and creating some resistance movements like the PFLP and the Fateh movement that started clashing with the Israeli occupation forces which lead in Palestinian movements kidnapping Israelis all around the world to bring the attention of the international community of what was happening there...
In 1987 The first Intifada or the uprising began on 9 December in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza strip after a traffic incident when an Israeli Defense Forces' (IDF) truck collided with a civilian car, killing four Palestinians... see more here (First Intifada) and here.
These series of events of military oppression and occupation lead the Palestinians to start their uprising demanding human rights which was most of the time absent as if there was no Humanitarian organization or as if there was a power that influencing those organizations and steering them away from this conflict in particular.
Until the Oslo accord in 1993 was signed to bring the Palestinian people along with the Israeli state to negotiate peace based on the truth of the International community's promises to the weaker party and respect of the stronger party (Israel) to those accords which didn't last and wasn't meet.
The peace lasted until 2000 when a radical and extremest Jewish Ariel Sharon made a visit to the Al Aqsa site which Jews call as the Temple mount and believe that it has some remains of the prophet Suliman's temple somewhere underground; The visit of the radical politicians since then became very usual and it was seen as threatening and highly provocative since radical Jews tried to burn the site before in an arson attack back in 1969 when some Jewish extremists tried to burn the whole place. see here
Since then Israel has been using different tactics and strategies against Palestinians. Times besieging them and times waging wars against them inside the West bank, Gaza and outside in Lebanon and trying to assassinate known characters outside the Palestinian territories to create chaos among the resistance movements.
Since 2000 and until 2015 Israel has been breaking the international laws not caring about any of the super powers or the agreements that has been signed under the Oslo accord or Camp David. Israel since then has violated the International law without any punishment like it usually happens with the rest of the Arab nations like Libya, Iraq or Syria... as if Israel had impunity .
See Israel's International Law violations since 1948 here (Israel's International Law violation since 1948)
Israel has built many settlements on stolen lands from the Palestinians while bringing Jews from all over the world. providing them with arms and leaving them on Palestinians without any protection provided to the Palestinians from those settlers.
The Jewish settlers have since they inhabited the Illegal settlements been attacking the nearby Palestinian villages and the people in it on daily basis burning their houses, mosques, trees, pets and even people.
In one of the most recent and famous attacks Jewish extremists from nearby village of Duma have attacked a family called "Al Dawabashe" burning the house and all of whom were inside including a toddler 18 months baby.
The Israeli government caught the attackers but have jailed them with 6 months prison without any charge, see more here (Burning of AlDawabsha family goes unpunished) and 1,2,3,
These kind of incidents of the Jewish settler's raiding on Palestinian villages, cities and them getting away with it along with the daily humiliation and the systematic tactic of breaking Palestinians's pride in check points and creating fear in their lives by daily raiding their houses at night or arresting their under age kids and arresting them putting them in prisons without any charge lead to the current situation..
Palestinians are not protected by any law, Israel is above all the international laws and have an impunity not to mention that majority of the western main stream media usually if not always cover one side of the story and never go question the Palestinians for transparency.
1: Sherif Hussein bin Ali.
2: Gallipoli Campaign.
3: Sykes–Picot Agreement
4: Chaim Weizmann
5: The Sergeants Affair
6: Menachem Begin
7: How Menachem Begin became from the Most wanted terrorist into a Nobel peace prize winner
8: Deir Yassin Massacre
9: Irgun propaganda poster
10: 1967 six days war
11: Attack on USS Liberty by Israel
12: First Intifada
13: Oslo accord
14: Israel's International Law violation since 1948
15: Burning of AlDawabsha family goes unpunished
Palestinian Archive
This war lead to the end of the Ottoman Empire era and the ottoman forces being pulled out of the Arab countries and the Balkan region after the defeat of the allies forces in the famous war of Çanakale or the Gallipoli Campaign.
After the Arabs succeeded in fighting the English's proxy war against the Turks. the English have betrayed their word and instead of giving the Arabs their independence they have announced Sykes–Picot Agreement which divides the middle east in to many colonies between France, UK and Russia.
The British didn't have any good intentions toward the Arabs and instead they have had a debt to pay to a a Zionist Jewish scientist known as Chaim Weizmann who was an active Zionist have helped the English during the world war with a gun powder invention that helped them in World war 1 and in return he wanted the English to give Palestine as a land to the Jewish people who have been suffering in Europe.
After the English invasion of Palestine in 1916-1918 they started importing Jews from all over Europe, Jews at that time were suffering from racism in eastern and western Europe and Russia, They were very good at fighting and well trained for battles. Once they landed in Palestine they were provided with arms and protected by the English army although they lived peacefully at the beginning of times when they were small in number and didn't show intentions of taking Palestine and turn it into their own state...
After the Jews's number increased in Palestine they started getting more and more aggressive, They started stealing more land and killing more Palestinians until Arabs tried to help the Palestinians to fight the Jewish invasion from Europe with the help of the British. the British tried to also protect the Palestinians but then they were targeted as well by some Jewish terrorist groups like the Hagana, Irgun and many other terrorist organizations. One of the most known of those incidents were the bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem and kidnapping of British soldiers incident called The Sergeants Affair which was carried out by a very well known character called Menachem Begin which then became the most wanted man by The English government for kidnapping, torturing and killing English soldiers.
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Russian-born Jewish head of the Zionist underground group the Irgun, Menachem Begin (1913 - 1992), circa 1946. |
in 1948 the Jews were capable of kicking the English army out of Palestine and were able to steal most of its land and creating a new country called "Israel"... in which later the Jews has massacred tens of thousands (Click Here for info) of Palestinians Christians and Muslims alike forcing over 700 thousand of them to flee for their lives in the near countries of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon which now is making the largest number of refugees in the world.
Since 1948 and onward Israelis (Zionist Jews) have been cleansing the land, killing people, stealing their land until it settled up to the current Israel except that West bank and Gaza was not occupied.
Arabs tried to help the Palestinians but they were still very basic countries that didn't have the weapon knowledge and experience that the Jews have had from Europe during the world war one and two.... so they lost most of the wars they have had with what then became Israel...
The interesting thing is that the UK have gazed the eyes on the killer who kidnapped, tortured and killed two of their soldiers after becoming a prime minister.. Menachem Begin! so what happened? what kind of influence is that which twisted a great empire like the UK into hiding their wanted post without shame or honor to their soldiers?
From that day on there were conflicts between Palestinians, Arabs and Israel until the 6 days war which is usually told by the Israelis and the Zionist supporters in the west that Arab started this war however I'll leave the answer to the famous politician Alan Hart right here (1967 six days war).
Since 1967 Israel have occupied Golan heights in Syria, Sinai in Egypt... There were a lot of question raised about the war, who started it and why there were no questions asked or if there was questions asked .. why there were no attention brought to what happened to the USS liberty intelligence gathering ship that was intentionally attacked by Israel which was there to help and support the Israelis in their war?
Aljazeera have did a good job on investigating this with one hour documentary that you can check here (Attack on USS Liberty by Israel) if you're interested in it.
The Israelis after this war wanted to scare the Arabs and secure their land as well as planning to ethnically cleanse or kill the rest of the Palestinians inside Israel and West bank and Gaza.
The 6 days war have created a gap in West bank and Gaza which was then placed by the Israeli occupation which was taken as an advantage to bring more Jews and start building the Jewish settlements which at that time was not a known issue to the international community.
All the land theft, humiliation and oppression of Palestinians left no option to the Palestinians but to fight back and creating some resistance movements like the PFLP and the Fateh movement that started clashing with the Israeli occupation forces which lead in Palestinian movements kidnapping Israelis all around the world to bring the attention of the international community of what was happening there...
In 1987 The first Intifada or the uprising began on 9 December in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza strip after a traffic incident when an Israeli Defense Forces' (IDF) truck collided with a civilian car, killing four Palestinians... see more here (First Intifada) and here.
These series of events of military oppression and occupation lead the Palestinians to start their uprising demanding human rights which was most of the time absent as if there was no Humanitarian organization or as if there was a power that influencing those organizations and steering them away from this conflict in particular.
Until the Oslo accord in 1993 was signed to bring the Palestinian people along with the Israeli state to negotiate peace based on the truth of the International community's promises to the weaker party and respect of the stronger party (Israel) to those accords which didn't last and wasn't meet.
The peace lasted until 2000 when a radical and extremest Jewish Ariel Sharon made a visit to the Al Aqsa site which Jews call as the Temple mount and believe that it has some remains of the prophet Suliman's temple somewhere underground; The visit of the radical politicians since then became very usual and it was seen as threatening and highly provocative since radical Jews tried to burn the site before in an arson attack back in 1969 when some Jewish extremists tried to burn the whole place. see here
Since then Israel has been using different tactics and strategies against Palestinians. Times besieging them and times waging wars against them inside the West bank, Gaza and outside in Lebanon and trying to assassinate known characters outside the Palestinian territories to create chaos among the resistance movements.
Since 2000 and until 2015 Israel has been breaking the international laws not caring about any of the super powers or the agreements that has been signed under the Oslo accord or Camp David. Israel since then has violated the International law without any punishment like it usually happens with the rest of the Arab nations like Libya, Iraq or Syria... as if Israel had impunity .
See Israel's International Law violations since 1948 here (Israel's International Law violation since 1948)
Israel has built many settlements on stolen lands from the Palestinians while bringing Jews from all over the world. providing them with arms and leaving them on Palestinians without any protection provided to the Palestinians from those settlers.
The Jewish settlers have since they inhabited the Illegal settlements been attacking the nearby Palestinian villages and the people in it on daily basis burning their houses, mosques, trees, pets and even people.
In one of the most recent and famous attacks Jewish extremists from nearby village of Duma have attacked a family called "Al Dawabashe" burning the house and all of whom were inside including a toddler 18 months baby.
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Remaining of Ali's pictures in the house that was burned along with the family |
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A Picture of the Baby Ali Al Dawabsha |
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Meir Ettinger the settler who attacked the house of Al Dawabsha family |
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Yehuda Landsberg of Havat Gilad has not been heard from since arrest by the Shabak one week ago; accused of 'price tagging'. |
The Israeli government caught the attackers but have jailed them with 6 months prison without any charge, see more here (Burning of AlDawabsha family goes unpunished) and 1,2,3,
These kind of incidents of the Jewish settler's raiding on Palestinian villages, cities and them getting away with it along with the daily humiliation and the systematic tactic of breaking Palestinians's pride in check points and creating fear in their lives by daily raiding their houses at night or arresting their under age kids and arresting them putting them in prisons without any charge lead to the current situation..
Palestinians are not protected by any law, Israel is above all the international laws and have an impunity not to mention that majority of the western main stream media usually if not always cover one side of the story and never go question the Palestinians for transparency.
1: Sherif Hussein bin Ali.
2: Gallipoli Campaign.
3: Sykes–Picot Agreement
4: Chaim Weizmann
5: The Sergeants Affair
6: Menachem Begin
7: How Menachem Begin became from the Most wanted terrorist into a Nobel peace prize winner
8: Deir Yassin Massacre
9: Irgun propaganda poster
10: 1967 six days war
11: Attack on USS Liberty by Israel
12: First Intifada
13: Oslo accord
14: Israel's International Law violation since 1948
15: Burning of AlDawabsha family goes unpunished
Palestinian Archive
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Did Palestine ever existed before Israel 1948 ? See here
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