Every year around 5-6 Million Muslims worldwide go to Hajj in Saudi Arabia making total spending of approximately 25 billion dollars, Which is in turn can be considered a net income to Saudi Arabian royal family. So how is this money being spent?
The US Senate yesterday passed a bill to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years. The legislation, heavily promoted by AIPAC, was adopted in a voice vote. The bill is “S.2497 – United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018.”
This amounts to approximately $23,000 for each Jewish Israeli family of four.
Meanwhile a Muslim family pays about 5000$ per person to go to Hajj each year, This money goes to the US as donations or military spending by the Saudi Royal family or end up in the form of bombs in Yemen.
Message to Muslim Youth
The Muslim youth and elders might start reconsidering whether they want to support how Saudi Arabia is taking advantage of the Pilgrimage money. They could rather create social and scientific programs that would build up their society to better future and stop thinking of Europe as the only way out.
The reason why boycott is necessary now more than any other time is due to how the Saudi Royal family have politicized the pilgrimage during the last few years and used it as a weapon to sometimes ban people or in other cases hunt opposition members or people with different political views while doing Hajj or Umrah.
Call for Boycott
In 2017 a Tunisian Muslim “Imam” named “Hasan bin Bashir” asked people to stop going to Arabia for Hajj due to the fact that all this money is ending up in America and Israel’s pocket.
In Yemen, Saudi Arabia along with the US and other Arab nations launched a merciless war against Yemenis to defy the Shia and Houthi groups which are affiliated with Iran. Since it started March 22, 2015 it had the purpose of changing dictator regime but this revolution changed after many players came into the picture and yet the only victim paying the price are the Yemeni people who are starving to death.
The BBC has made a documentary about life in Yemen during the war and went through different cities asking about life conditions and how people survive. In Yemen 2 million people are malnourished and over 325,000 children are at risk of starvation.
“If you don't die from an airstrike you die from being ill or starvation. And the hardest way to die is from starvation”, laments Dr Ashwaq Muharram.
Watch BBC documentary
Written by ME
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