The author of "Get Up and Get Kill first" praises Israel's tactical successes, but criticizes what he considers strategic failures
Since the founding of Israel until the year 2000, the Israeli Intelligence Agency (Mossad) carried out hundreds of assassinations targeting Palestinian and Arab personalities in various regions around the world.
In its book review, the French newspaper Le Figaro presents a reading in the book "Get Up and Kill First" by Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman that said is "balanced", reveals a lot about the secret services of his country, and considered it a lesson in history without moral exhortations.
Presenter Charles Gautier said the athlete's alluring build-up and the patience of the investigative journalist nature helped Bergman specialize in defense matters to have senior spy agents and generals speak to him on 944 pages to chart 110 years of secret work in the name of the Zionist dream.
The writer explained that this book - which the owner planned to write in a year - took six years to write, when "I quickly realized that I needed interviews and confirmed some facts, which took a long time," says the author.
Although opening the Mossad and Shabak archives was impossible as a state secret however, Sixty years since the establishment of Israel made the leaders of these agencies ready to break their silence, and "they agreed to speak to me because they wanted to tell people what they did for their country," and so the prime ministers sat The former and defense ministers, as well as the heads of all agencies, to talk about gross mistakes, falsehoods, and undeniable successes.
The Writer (French newspaper) said that the book author collected a wealth of material, "HBO" started preparing a television series out of it, in cooperation with Bergman, who says that "a lot of what was written about the Mossad was just speculation that is not based on real sources." From start to finish it is "a fabric of imagination based on a false book
Since the founding of Israel until the year 2000, the Israeli Intelligence Agency (Mossad) carried out hundreds of assassinations targeting Palestinian and Arab personalities in various regions around the world.
A Nazi helps Israel
One of the rumors confirmed by the book is - according to the newspaper - that a former Nazi officer returned in the early 1960s to serve Israel to neutralize the Egyptian missile building project, and that soldiers violated Ariel Sharon's orders when he ordered them to shoot down a plane full of civilians carrying the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Gautier said that the author picked up the geopolitical changes that occurred in the era that happened during his time and explains how Israel was comfortable with the Egyptian peace offer. He was surprised by the emergence of Khomeini Iran that made Hezbollah in Lebanon. Intelligence could not predict its arrival.
The writer pointed out that it is rare for the intelligence services to be at the heart of the political process of any country, but that Ben Gurion, who was considered that he does not have the military means to wage war against many enemies at the same time, immediately attached to the government an out-of-control entity entirely devoted to work. Behind enemy lines. "
And in this gray area - the writer says - everything was permitted except for what puts the country's alliances at risk, because the certainty of an endless war had begun very early among the Zionists.
Making a homeland
The author reviewed a speech by the officer at the time, Moshe Dayan, in the 1950s, during a memorial service for a soldier killed by the Palestinian guerrillas Where Moshe Dayan said “ Don’t blame the killers, why do we wonder their hate to us when we have made to ourselves a homeland right in front of their eyes from a land of which their forefathers have lived in and they lived in it as well? “
Dayan also said:
"We are the generation of colonies, and without a helmet made of steel and a barrel of a gun we will not be able to plant a tree. Millions of Jews who have died because of the absence of a country for them are watching us from the ashes of Jewish history and ordering us to settle down. This is the destiny of our generation”.
The book was able - according to Gautier - to competently describe the intelligence community that is being thwarted by moments of feeling of success and moments of fear of a second "Holocaust" that it always expects, just like the mood of the population that oscillates between overconfidence to the point of inconvenience and paranoia.
A strategic failure
The book mentioned that Israel achieved many successful operations, especially after the 1967 war in which victory was complete and the lands inhabited by hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees were occupied.
After this war, Bergman quotes the secret report of the IDF Chief of Intelligence who says, "We should avoid bragging and call for immediate negotiations, with a proposal to withdraw from the occupied territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), so that we can in return obtain recognition of Israel and a final peace agreement."
The author quotes former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, regretting "the delusion of absolute power" that made them miss this opportunity, "and states that" no one in Israel in 1967 would have realized that occupying enemy lands would lead to grave dangers. "
Twenty years later, the first uprising that came out of the poor streets proved to Meir Dagan - who ruled Mossad for nearly a decade - demonstrated that nothing could change sustainably without a political settlement.
Dagan denounced the settlement policy that created a de facto binational state and thus a "racist state", and he realized from the targeted assassinations that the Mossad could not do everything, according to the book
The author concludes his book by quoting Dagan that "the history of the intelligence service is an episode of a long series of impressive tactical successes, but also of catastrophic strategic failures, because there is no lasting solution but a political and diplomatic solution”.
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